Collaborative wellness solutions built around your benefits portfolio that drive utilization and improve health.
My Health Coach Now™ (MHC-Now) enables very large, very diverse populations to receive highly personalized and ongoing health self-management services, very cost effectively.
We deliver the technology, education, incentives, and engagements that drive positive health trends that ensure groups get the most out of their investment in employee benefits.
Who we serve

Our Story
In 2006 we built automated telephonic engagement services for two Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies. It reached out to participants on a regular basis to confirm compliance, inquire about their overall health, allowed them to be connected to their doctor, and helped them get a refill if needed.
These simple, ongoing and highly cost-effective patient engagements results in...
Compliance rates increasing +35%
Significantly more consistent refills
Longer dosing periods
Improved doctor / patient communications
Then we asked "If we're able to improve dosing and refill rates with this simple platform, why can't we help people better manage the condition they're taking the meds for in the first place?"
So we did!
Today, MHC-Now is a comprehensive, fully integrated population health self-management solution that addresses physical, mental, and financial wellbeing. Our approach is to integrate with and leverage all the resources embedded in the client's existing benefits environment to craft unique solutions that drive utilization and improve health.
"Helping people do the right thing on a regular basis."